About Marc Jedel
I write humorous murder mysteries. I credit my years of marketing leadership positions in Silicon Valley for honing my writing skills and sense of humor. While my high-tech marketing roles involved crafting plenty of fiction, these were just called emails, ads, and marketing collateral.
For most of my life, I’ve been inventing stories. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve encountered more funny and odd people and situations. This has made it even easier for me to follow that hoary adage to “write what I know“—and make up the rest. It’s a skill that’s served me well as an author and marketer.
The publication of my first novel, Uncle and Ants, gave me permission to claim “author” as my job. This leads to much more interesting conversations with people than answering, “marketing.” Becoming an Amazon best-selling author has only made me more insufferable.
Like my character, Marty from the Silicon Valley Mystery series, I now live in Silicon Valley, work in high-tech, and enjoy bad puns. Like my characters Jonas and Elizabeth from the Ozarks Lake Mystery series, I grew up in the South and spent plenty of time in and around Arkansas. Like all my protagonists, I also have a dog, although mine is neurotic, sweet, and small, with little appreciation for my humor.
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— Marc
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