Marc Jedel’s Blog
(don’t worry,they’re short reads)
Followup Author Interview
A follow-up interview of Marc Jedel for the launch of Swimming with the Fishes, with the best & funniest responses to questions he made up, before he answered them.
Unusual pics from my vacation
Took some unusual photos during great trip to Russian River area in Sonoma. Came back rested and with an idea for new cozy mystery series. But first, must finish book 2 in Ozarks Lake Mystery series and then book 5 in Silicon Valley Mystery series.
Character Interview with C.B. (Colton Buck)
You can try to interview C.B. (Colton Buck), character from Fish Out of Water. Just don’t get in the way when it’s time for potato salad.
Character Interview with Elizabeth Trout
Don’t have a conniption, it’s just a quick interview of one of the main protagonists, Elizabeth Trout, in Fish Out of Water: An Ozarks Lake Mystery (#1)
An Interview with Marc Jedel, Author
A not-so-serious interview with me. Learn the answers to these crucial questions you probably never thought (or cared) to ask of Marc Jedel.
Guest Interview with Daisy, the dog, from Fish Out of Water
Daisy, the rescue border collie, might not have solved the murder but she was in the midst of the action in this funny cozy mystery, FISH OUT OF WATER, 1st in the new Ozarks Lake Mystery series by Marc Jedel.