Becoming an author creates a whole new set of highs and lows in your life. A recent experience led me to assess what was the best moment in my career as an author.
Last month, through some fortunate marketing, a great cover, and superior fan base, Uncle and Ants hit #1 on Amazon’s best seller list in multiple categories. Of course, I was very excited and bragged to everyone I knew. That had to be my top highlight.
But then, I remembered other great firsts in my budding career as an author:
- how excited I had been when I finished my first book.
- and what about when I held the paperback version of my first book. Sorry, but holding a Kindle reader just doesn’t deliver the same oomph.
- of course, it was awesome when someone I didn’t know posted the first review for my book online.
- and then when I got emails from readers—people I didn’t even know!
Ok, I’m enjoying this author thing!